Wednesday, September 7, 2016

The First Few Months

July 30, 2014 -  Novemeber 16, 2014

On July 30, 2014, we welcomed our daughter, Landrie, into the world.  She was beautiful.  Her big brother adored her and she him right from the start.  Everything seemed to be perfect.  We struggled with breastfeeding.  I wasn’t able to with my son either because he wouldn’t latch on.  So wasn’t too surprised.  Several of the lactation consultants came in and tried to help us.  We finally did get her to latch but she would only take a suck or 2 and would fall asleep.  And no matter what we did, she would not wake up.  She lost too much weight, so I had to supplement with formula in a bottle.  She drank a little more of that but she still did not eat like my son did with the bottle.  The first month was a struggle to get her to drink enough to gain any weight.  There were lots of times it would take her over an hour to drink just a couple of ounces.  It took a lot of patience and persistence but she slowly gained weight.  

Around a month old, we started to notice intermittent high pitched noisy breathing and reflux symptoms.  The reflux symptoms were pretty bad and came on sudden.  She was a happy baby but when she would reflux…she would arch her back and scream.  I could hear it gurgling in her throat and smell the acid.  At her 2 month pedestrian appt, I talked to the doctor about my concerns with the breathing and reflux.  Of course, Landrie’s breathing was perfect and not noisy while we were at the doctors office.  Her pedestrian thought it was all just caused from the reflux which did sound possible since all the symptoms started at the same time.  She was put on Zantac.  

After about month on meds, we noticed that the reflux symptoms were improved but the noisy breathing was not.  She did not seem to be bothered by the noisy breathing….was just noisy.  So I planned that I would talk to her pedestrian about it again at her next appt in a couple of weeks.  But we didn’t make it….

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